Individual therapy is the most traditional form of psychotherapy. If the therapist and patient are a good fit and are working towards mutually agreed upon goals, individual therapy can provide lasting changes in a person's sense of well-being.


I work with families to increase ease of communication and mutual understanding between members. Family therapy as an adjunct to individual therapy can prove pivotal in altering a family system's and individual's dynamics.


Couples therapy can provide individuals in a relationship with a greater understanding of self and other. The desire for increased ease in conflict resolution, more effective communication and increased intimacy are common reasons couples seek therapy.


I facilitate a process group that meets every Wednesday evening from 5:00pm - 6:15pm. This is a process-oriented group psychotherapy for young adults working towards independence and interpersonal success. Group psychotherapy can benefit individuals seeking relief from a variety of symptoms including anxiety, depression and and turbulence in interpersonal relationships. Groups can provide individuals with support, guidance, feedback and authentic connection in the context of a safe, facilitated environment.